Issue No. 123

Instructions for removing yourself from this list are included at the
bottom of this email.
NOTE: throughout this newsletter we use a Tiny URL to shorten long web
site addresses so the links do not break.
Issues of the month
* Activities that could be part of
tutor/mentor programs
* Next Tutor/Mentor
Conference, Monday, Nov. 4
* Rethinking Philanthropy - Pallotta's TED Talk
* Create a study group
* President's Message - Amplify the Message issue 01
What Types of Activities Can Be Part of a
Volunteer-Based Tutor/Mentor Program? |

created by Tutor/Mentor Connection
Which of these can you add to your own
While listening to speakers at the August 14 Why News Matters Summit
in Chicago I said, "Why can't news literacy be part of every youth
tutor/mentor program in Chicago? I wrote this article to share my
thinking and to invite organizations with specialized learning to do
workshops at future Tutor/Mentor Conferences to share what they do
so others can find ways to duplicate these ideas in their own
Here's a list of learning activities
that could be part of non-school programs in every high poverty
Think of this map of Chicago as you look at this list. What
will it take to have each of these forms of learning available
to youth in every high poverty neighborhood of the city and
News Literacy - the
Youth Options Unlimited Program (YOU) at Erie House created
thi s
Financial Literacy -
Wallet Wise program of 100 Black Men of Chicago
College & Career - See how
Highsight helps youth succeed in private high schools
Technology -
Chicago Digital Youth Network. Volunteers can make programs like
this available to youth in every non-school program. While the Black
Star Project coordinates the March from its Chicago headquarters, the
March takes place across the country, with city coordinators overseeing
the event in each participating city.
Career Mentoring -
ACE Mentoring Program mentors high school students and
inspires them to pursue careers in design and construction. Volunteers
from different industries could be doing this type of work in many
Arts Mentoring -
YOU Media Program at Chicago Public Libraries offers middle and high
school students opportunities to collaborate and create with digital
media in an innovative physical space as well as through a vibrant
online community.
Arts Enrichment - Circle Urban Ministries' LIFT
program empowers and equips youth for life through the disciplines
of the arts and performance.
Youth Entrepreneurship -
Stitch-N-Styl program of YMEN on Chicago's West Side
Youth Leadership -
Mikva Challenge programs create opportunities for youth to take real
democratic action in a broad range of civic arenas.
Hive Chicago
Connected Learning Network shows many learning activities that could
be part of many non-school tutor/mentor programs in addition to the many
organizations already in this partnership
If your organization offers extra learning such as these, why not host a
workshop at the November 4 Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking
Conference to show what you do, why you do it, how you do it and how you
pay for it.
Find locations of youth serving
organizations that you can join and support
At these times each year, non profits, intermediaries, business and
media could be focusing their messages on why and where tutor/mentor
programs are needed. If links in these messages point to these search tools,
everyone will have more resources to help them locate
volunteer-based tutoring and/or mentoring programs in Chicago and other
* MENTOR resources
and referral service -
ServeIllinois - http://www.serve.illinois.gov/
* VolunteerMatch -
* Additional on-line volunteer search web sites
the Chicago region, use the Map-Based Tutor/Mentor Program Locator and
Links library to help locate programs in specific zip codes. Our aim
is to help programs grow and thrive in all parts of the region where
they are needed.
* Chicago Program Links -
* Chicago Map-Based Tutor/Mentor Program Locator -
The next Chicago Tutor/Mentor Conference
will be Monday, November 4 |

The conference will be held at the
Ralph Metcalfe Federal Building, 77 W. Jackson.
This will be the 40th Conference since May 1994. While we are looking
for workshop presenters and will post an agenda by late September, we
also seek help in funding the conference and the web library hosted by
Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. If you've been
part of a past conference, or have benefited from being part of a
tutor/mentor program, please take a look at this page and add your
The Foundation Center has created a Philanthropy IN/Sight@ resource
that uses interactive maps to show grant makers and grant recipients.
Visit their web site to learn how to use this. Click
Dave Clark,
Manager, Philanthropy In/Sight,
a project of The Foundation Center, will be a speaker at the November 4
Tutor/Mentor Conference in Chicago. Executive
Directors, Development Directors, Fund Raising Consultants and
Philanthropy leaders should plan to attend and learn more about how to
use this resource.
Image created by
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
To propose a workshop or panel discussion, visit http://www.tutormentorconference.org/present.asp
issue 02
Rethinking Philanthropy. Have you viewed the
Pallotta TED Talk? |

Image created by
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
This spring Dan Pallotta delivered this
TED talk, and it's being discussed in many different places on the
I think this discussion needs to be divided into smaller segments, which
I describe in
this article. If you're interested in facilitating this discussion
within the world of youth serving organizations, or already are hosting
a MOOC or other on-line discussion, please send an invitation for myself
and others from my network to join with you.
issue 03
Create a Study Group to Expand Your
Understanding and Involvement |

Form a group in your faith group, company,
school, etc. and build a deeper understanding of the impact of
concentrated poverty on youth, families and all of us. Use this
understanding to support your involvement in organizations working in
your community to address these issues:
New Ideas from Tutor/Mentor
Institute, LLC
Creating Virtual Corporate Office to
support tutor/mentor programs throughout a metropolitan area.
Click here
Shoppers Guide. What should a donor, volunteer or parent find on a
Tutor/Mentor Program Web site?
Click here.
Browse the Web Library at:
Sections of interest in web library:
* Research on education, drop out crisis, social capital - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-ResearchLinks
* Fund Raising - Understanding Challenges - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-Library-FundingIssues
* Homework Help/Learning Resources - http://tinyurl.com/TMC-Homework-Resources
* Blogs on learning, MOOCs, Fund Raising - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-Library-Blog-list
* Collaboration, innovation, visualization, mapping - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-ProcessImp-Collaboration
* Mentoring, tutoring beyond Chicago - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-Library-Mentoring
* Training resources for tutors, mentors - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-MentorTraining
Amplify the Message. Become a Network
Builder |
Daniel F. Bassill

This is a letter that was published in
Crain's Chicago Business last week. It's a call to action similar to
what I include in
blog articles every week. My voice alone will not mobilize enough
dollars, volunteers, talent, etc. needed to make youth mentoring
programs available to the thousands of young people in Chicago or other
cities who might benefit. However, if you pass this on, or write your
own letter, you amplify what I'm saying and we reach more people.
In last week's Why News Matters Summit a speaker from
FEMA was talking about their web site and Twitter account and she said,
"Who is my audience?" then answered "Everyone." That's my answer when
anyone asks who the audience is for the ideas I share. Anyone who wants
to help create a world where every child has an opportunity to achieve
the American dream and who understands that some children start further
behind others because of where they live or where they were born.
Every week for the past 20 years I've met with other people who I've
hoped would carry these ideas to people in their own network, or share
ownership with me on the work of building and sustaining an information
base that is needed to support the involvement of everyone else.
If you're one of those people please pass this message on. Help bring
people together in on-line communities, and in the conferences I host
every six months. Help create new ways of connecting people, ideas,
resources and young people.
Thank you! You read to the
bottom of the page. If you do this every month you are truly
dedicated. I'd like to hear from you. Email me at
tutormentor2@earthlink.net or join one of the forums I've
pointed to.
luck to everyone as they launch a new school year of tutoring and

Daniel F. Bassill, D.H.L
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
Tutor/Mentor Connection Read the blogs at :
Connect in these locations:
* on Twitter
* Linked in group on volunteering -
Tutor/Mentor Institute on Facebook -
* Tutor/Mentor Connection forum at
* On Slide Share -
* On Scribd.com -
* On Pinterest -
Read past newsletters
newsletter/earchive |