Edition: September 2012
Issue No. 113
Instructions for removing yourself from this list are included at the bottom of this email.  
NOTE: throughout this newsletter we use a Tiny URL to shorten long web site addresses so the links do not break. We hope you find this helpful.
* I want to do better. How do I find time to learn?
* American Graduate and Education Nation events - Sept 22 -28
* Networking and Learning Opportunity - Nov. 19 in Chicago
* Are you looking for a place to volunteer?
* Where do you learn? How do you share your ideas?
* President's Message - Problem to big to get involved?
issue 01
I want to do better. How do I find time to learn?

What do all volunteers with full time jobs, leaders of tutor/mentor programs, teachers in classrooms, members of volunteer boards-of-directors have in common?  A commitment to do the best they can and not enough time to read and reflect on the vast amounts of information that is available on-line (and shared each month in this newsletter!)


Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC


This graphic was created by an intern working with the Tutor/Mentor Connection. It shows that any one of us has the ability to connect people we know with information we can use to help kids in all parts of a big city like Chicago. Engaging students in projects that create graphics like this is one way to connect them with volunteers who might expand the student's understanding of technology, data and graphics.  It's also one way to create collaborative learning and draw viewers from among family, friends and neighbors of the students creating these graphics.

See more like this at http://www.tutormentorexchange.net/definition-of-issues/ideasanimation


Every day is a Learning Day

Have you listened to any of the video presentations by Sir Ken Robinson?  This blog article provides a link to one and offers some thoughts on creating learning communities. http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/2012/09/i-want-to-do-better-but-dont-have-time.html



This weekend! Connect with others during September and October in these events:


American Graduate Day - Saturday, Sept. 22. http://americangraduate.org/grad-day

Follow on Twitter at #AmGrad

See what's happening in Chicago - http://www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=87,1

Live Education Nation Conference (9/24-26) broadcast -
click here


During September join the #TalkPoverty Twitter campaign urging Presidential and Vice-Presidential debate moderators to ask questions about improving policies for children.



Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC


Learning is not just for youth! If you are a volunteer tutor or mentor here are some resources that you can use to help you throughout the coming year. If you serve on the Board of Directors of a tutor/mentor program the articles in the Research Section may interest you.

Homework Help Links - http://tinyurl.com/TMC-Homework-Resources


Mentor Training - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-MentorTraining

Tutor Training -


Research Section of Tutor/Mentor Connection Library - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-ResearchLinks


Drop Out Prevention 9/18/2012 webnar slides

Center of Excellence web resources - http://www.fmucenterofexcellence.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=76


Networking and Learning Opportunity - November 19, 2012, Chicago

Next conference November 19 at Metcalfe Federal Building in Chicago.  
The Tutor/Mentor Connection has organized a networking conference every six months since May 1994. These are now being organized under the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC organizational structure.

Here's what one participant said after last November's conference. "
What a great day Friday was at the Tutor/Mentor Conference in Chicago! This is either my 3rd or 4th one and I learn something new every time that enhances my programming and benefits my young people!"  

Image created by
Tutor/Mentor Connection

While we are still recruiting people to host workshops this list shows some of the speakers who will be presenting information.  http://www.tutormentorconference.org/speakers.asp

Visit this page to learn about conference goals. Email tutormentor2@earthlink.net if you want to be part of the November conference.

Who is invited to the conference?  Any one who has a link in the Tutor/Mentor Library at
http://tinyurl.com/T-MC-Library  is someone we'd like to see sharing their ideas in this face-to-face networking event or connecting with us on Twitter at #tmconf_chi

issue 02  
Are you looking for a place to volunteer?  Have you found a place?  

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

Visit any of the web sites below to post opportunities for people to volunteer with your organization or to search for organizations near you where you might volunteer time or talent. 

* MENTOR resources and referral service - http://www.mentoring.org/program_resources  
* ServeIllinois -    http://www.serve.illinois.gov/

* VolunteerMatch - http://www.volunteermatch.org
* Additional on-line volunteer search web sites


Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC


In the Chicago region, use the Map-Based Tutor/Mentor Program Locator and Links library to help locate programs in specific zip codes. Our aim is to help programs grow and thrive in all parts of the region where they are needed.

* Chicago Program Links - http://tinyurl.com/ChiTM-Program-Links
* Chicago Map-Based Tutor/Mentor Program Locator - http://www.tutormentorprogramlocator.net


issue 03  
Where do you learn? Where do you share your own ideas?  

While most people may not have time to read the articles shared on Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC blogs and in the web libraries, some people will make the time to do that every day. That's why I continue to post links to pages in the Tutor/Mentor Library and call attention to new ways to share ideas. Below are some of the ways I share ideas.  I hope you find these useful and will visit the Tutor/Mentor Forum at http://tutormentorconnection.ning.com and share your own strategies for sharing ideas.

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

This introduction to the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC 4-part strategy was created using Prezi.com. View the presentation at http://prezi.com/lxqtellgyhpd/1st-/

mage created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

This is one of several graphics that have been uploaded to http://pinterest.com/tutormentor/pins/ . If you are creating graphics to show tutor/mentor capacity building strategies, let's connect.

Scribd.com - Since October 20, 2011 more than 23,000 reads have been recorded of the documents in this collection. http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/3299390

Slideshare.com - I have had a few presentations on Slideshare for a couple of years. I updated them this week. http://www.slideshare.net/tutormentor/

Blogs - below are blogs where I share ideas weekly
Tutor/Mentor Blog - http://tutormentor.blogspot.com
Mapping for Justice - http://mappingforjustice.blogspot.com

YouTube Videos -
Tutor/Mentor Institute Video Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/TutorMentorInstitute?ob=0&feature=results_main

Every one of the articles and presentations that I've created can be done better by people with more talent and time than I have. Furthermore, every presentation can be modified to point to other cities than Chicago.  I encourage you to do this. Just include a link to the http://www.tutormentorexchange.net site and recognition of where the idea originated.



president's message
This problem is far to big for me to get involved. Do you feel this way?

by Daniel F. Bassill

I read this article on the Stanford Social Innovation Review web site and it made me think that the way I've been trying to engage people is actually causing many to not get involved. http://www.ssireview.org/blog/entry/the_problem_with_problem_statements

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

For the past 18 years I've followed newspapers and created maps showing places in the city where the news media were drawing attention to acts of violence or poorly performing schools. My intention was to motivate people who were angered by the bad news to want to become personally involved in helping change the conditions in the neighborhood. One way would be to support the growth of volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs. See some of these stories at http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/search/label/violence

I've also built a library with research articles and blogs where writers show the cost of poverty, the skills gaps, the drop out crisis, etc. Instead of creating this research myself my goal has been to re-circulate articles written by people with far more skills and research talent than myself.   Motivating more people to read these articles and become personally involved in providing resources to support solutions has been my goal.

However, maybe there is another way to launch this conversation.  What do you think? Can you share  your ideas with me on Twitter @tutormentorteam or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/TutorMentorInstitute

On November 19, 2012 I'll be hosting a fall Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference. Perhaps you can come to the conference and share your ideas.  This bi-annual event aims to bring leaders of youth serving organizations together with supporters and those who want to start new programs while building public attention that increases volunteer and donor support of tutor/mentor programs throughout the Chicago region and in other cities. Please help.

* Support the Conference: Be a sponsor. Offer to present a workshop. Invite others to attend.  See http://www.tutormentorconference.org

* Submit a proposal to present a workshop: http://www.tutormentorconference.org/present.asp

Thank you! You read to the bottom of the page.  I'd like to hear from you. Email me at tutormentor2@earthlink.net or join one of the forums I've pointed to. 

Good luck to everyone as they launch a new school year of tutoring and mentoring. 


The Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993-2011)  is now operated by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. http://www.tutormentorexchange.net

Thank you for reading this newsletter and sharing it with others.  You can add new people to our newsletter list using this link. http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=nlofiegab&p=oi&m=1106096863597

* Support the Tutor/Mentor Institute - This describes the information platform we're trying to build and ways you can be a sponsor, partner and/or benefactor -   http://www.tutormentorconference.org/platform_tmi.htm

* Other ways to help the Tutor/Mentor Institute:


Daniel F. Bassill, D.H.L

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
and Tutor/Mentor Connection

Read the blogs at :

Connect with us:
* on Twitter
- http://twitter.com/tutormentorteam

* Linked in group on volunteering - http://tinyurl.com/TMC-LinkedIn-Volunteering
* Tutor/Mentor Institute on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TutorMentorInstitute
* Tutor/Mentor Connection forum at http://tutormentorconnection.ning.com

Read past newsletters