Edition: May 2012
Issue No. 110
Instructions for removing yourself from this list are included at the bottom of this email.  
NOTE: throughout this newsletter we use a Tiny URL to shorten long web site addresses so the links do not break. We hope you find this helpful.
* Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking event - June 14 in Chicago
* Visualization of ideas and strategies
* Connecting Networks - Learning from Others
* President's Message - Connecting tutor/mentor programs and supporters
issue 01
While School Ends in June, We Start Recruiting Volunteers Again in Just Two Months!

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

The purpose of all of this information is to stimulate year-round actions by leaders in business, media, entertainment, etc. that dramatically increase the flow of volunteers, dollars, ideas and other needed resources directly to all of the organizations in Chicago and other cities working to help youth move from birth to work and adult roles.

Volunteer-Recruitment Campaign Strategy -

Can you support this in the Chicago region or adopt this in your own community?


Are you a business leader? Can you apply this strategy in your company, faith group, alumni group?
Role of Leaders - http://www.tutormentorexchange.net/images/PDF/role%20of%20leaders2011.pdf


Below are resource libraries that can be used to locate individual programs, and where non profits can post "help wanted" information. These links can be used to find volunteer opportunities in tutor/mentor programs in Illinois and in other states.

* MENTOR resources and referral service - http://www.mentoring.org/program_resources  
* ServeIllinois -    http://www.serve.illinois.gov/

* VolunteerMatch - http://www.volunteermatch.org
* Chicago Program Links - http://tinyurl.com/ChiTM-Program-Links
* Additional on-line volunteer search web sites

Connect with tutor/mentor program leaders - June 14, Chicago  

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, with partnership from Becoming We the People and The Social Justice Council  at the First Unitarian Church in Hyde Park, will host a one day Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference symposium focusing on "Advancing Equality in Education" .  This will run from 8:30 am till 1pm and will consist of a series of panel discussions and breakout sessions. Speakers and panel members are now being recruited.  See more  information about the conference at http://www.tutormentorconference.org

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

There will be three panel discussions which will include:

Celebration of Tutor/Mentor Program Successes: Speed Networking. Up to 10 programs will have 5 minutes each to describe a success strategy of their 2011-12 program.  This could be a program activity, a fund raising strategy and/or a volunteer-recruitment strategy. Handouts required or links to blog articles where the idea is shared.


Education Improvement and Social Justice in your programs: The Why and How
This discussion will involve several short presentations from people that are  working on the fight to improve education and also working on other school  initiatives (example, community garden hosted by a school; student video  project; civic education, etc.).   


How do we find resources to support constant improvement and operations of  tutor/mentor programs and others serving youth and families? What  are some ways you raised money to operate during the year; b) if you were  attending the National Volunteerism Conference scheduled for the third week in  June, what one or two things would you want to  learn; c) how can we work together to increase the flow of needed resources to  all of the programs working with kids


During the panels there will also be table-discussions hosted by conference participants who want to share information in small group discussions. There will also be a handout table for information to be shared


Each of the panels will be video-taped and posted to the video library at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GwAF_Qga-Y   


The fee to attend will be $20. A continental breakfast will be served. No lunch. No fee for participants in panel discussions.  Visit http://www.tutormentorconference.org for details. 


National Conference on Volunteerism and Community Service to be held in Chicago, June 18-20, 2012 http://www.volunteeringandservice.org/

You can share information about your own events if you join the Tutor/Mentor Connection forum at http://tutormentorconnection.ning.com or our group on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/groups/TutorMentorInstitute/


issue 02  
Help Collect and Share Information  

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC


Each year Tutor/Mentor Connection has tried to reach out to over 300 Chicago area organizations to update the data in the Tutor/Mentor Program Locator shown at http://www.tutormentorprogramlocator.net/Prgloc.aspx

Also visit this Chicago Area Youth Programs link library :

If you are in the Chicago region please visit the map and see if your program is listed and if the information is accurate. Email tutormentor2@earthlink.net to request addition, deletion or changes.  To learn about tutor/mentor programs and networks in other cities visit this section of the library. http://tinyurl.com/TMI-Library-Mentoring 


Read more about how students in high schools and colleges could take part in this strategy:  http://tinyurl.com/InfoCollectionEffort


issue 03  
Connecting Networks -  Empathy Interviews  

How does youth and volunteer involvement in a tutor/mentor program increase the level of empathetic understanding and actions of each participant? Is this a strategy of your organization.

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

View two empathy interviews.  

Dan Bassill, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC -

Bill Huddleston, workplace fund raising expert, Bert Ola-Bergstrom, social entrepreneur and network-builder, Dan Bassill, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC


Use Tutor/Mentor Connection on-line library.  While you can search Google and find information to help you build and sustain a volunteer-based tutor/mentor program, you can also use the T/MC library where I've already aggregated and categorized more than 2000 links to information leaders, volunteers and donors can use to build a collective understanding of where and why tutor/mentor programs are needed, as well as ways to support them more consistently for a longer period of years.  See http://tinyurl.com/T-MC-Library 

Many of these links focus on Chicago. If you're collecting similar information, focused on a different city, please share the link to your library and I'll add it.  If you'd like to submit a link to the library just register, log in, and use the "Add a New Link" feature to suggest a link. These are moderated and if approved, your link will be added to the site.




president's message
What might we do to connect thousands of tutor/mentor leaders, volunteers and supporters in an on-going learning and collaboration process?

by Daniel F. Bassill

Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

Bring your network together in on-line learning.
This Debategraph chart outlines information that anyone can use to build strategies that help youth in poverty move from birth to work:  

Young people can help create and communicate these ideas. Visit http://michaelcnt.blogspot.com/ and see ways young people can help mobilize attention and resources to support youth programs in a community.  This is work done by a current intern working with Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. http://prezi.com/lxqtellgyhpd/1st-/

Dropout Crisis a complex problem
Read blog articles at  http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/search/label/complex%20problems 

Read more about ways of working together at: http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/search/label/collaboration

Support the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and the Tutor/Mentor Connection - This describes the information platform we're trying to build and ways you can be a sponsor, partner and/or benefactor -   http://www.tutormentorconference.org/platform_tmi.htm

There are many ways you can contribute, invest and/or sponsor the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. See http://www.tutormentorexchange.net/give-5

Thank you for reading. 


The Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993-2011)  is now operated by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. http://www.tutormentorexchange.net

Thank you for reading this newsletter and sharing it with others.  You can add new people to our newsletter list using this link. http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=nlofiegab&p=oi&m=1106096863597


Daniel F. Bassill, D.H.L.

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
and Tutor/Mentor Connection

Read the blogs at :

Connect with us:
* on Twitter
- http://twitter.com/tutormentorteam

* Linked in group on volunteering - http://tinyurl.com/TMC-LinkedIn-Volunteering
* Tutor/Mentor Institute on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TutorMentorInstitute
* Tutor/Mentor Connection forum at http://tutormentorconnection.ning.com

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