Schools Starts Soon. Help Volunteer Based Tutor/Mentor Programs
In all Parts of Chicago and other Cities Mobilize Volunteers.


March 2015                                                                                      Issue: #142
Help Tutor/Mentor Programs Launch New School Year.  Support Programs In All Parts of Urban Area.
The ideas shared in this monthly newsletter can be used by resource providers, political leaders, non profit leaders, volunteers and youth to help mentor-rich programs thrive in all of the neighborhoods where they are most needed. 
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Volunteer Recruitment for 2015-16 School Year
Mobilize talent and dollars needed to build strong tutor/mentor organizations.

Every year at this time youth serving organizations throughout Chicago and other cities are setting up communications efforts to mobilize volunteers for the new school year. This graphic from a Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC essay titled, Virtual Corporate Office, emphasizes that every program requires a wide range of talent and resources to recruit and retain youth and volunteers.  While some programs will do this better than others, great programs are needed in every high poverty neighborhood. Read articles in this section of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC site showing how leaders in business, religion, colleges and hospitals can help programs grow in different parts of the city.
Engage in Systems Thinking
Involve youth, volunteers, staff, board and funders in defining goals and strategy

If you follow the many articles I've shared via this newsletter and my blog, you know I point to work being done by others that I hope will be duplicated by organizations and leaders in Chicago.  This month I've been part of a Making Learning Connected MOOC, where educators from around the country have been sharing ideas about systems thinking.  Read this article, and this article, to see how I've been interacting with educators from throughout the country.  Visit the #CLMOOC G+page and see how you can also get involved.

Learn to use Data from on-line sources to make case
Visit Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC web library

I'm seeing a growing number of organizations providing data-maps that show philanthropy, inequality, poverty and other indicators that emphasize where well-organized volunteer based tutoring, mentoring and learning programs are most needed.  Open this link to see the concept map shown above. Follow the links in each node to see some of the data-maps I point to.  Browse articles on this blog, to see some of these resources.

The next innovation I hope to see will be a growing number of youth serving organizations teaching young people and volunteers to pull information from these data resources that they use to understand community problems and to create content that invites others to become involved in solving urgent problems.

Use Blogs to Tell Your Story
Few youth serving organizations in Chicago do this effectively

In this section of Tutor/Mentor library I point to nearly 200 blogs. Some focus on philanthropy, with many fund raising and marketing ideas. Some focus on learning, with ideas that can inspire mentors, program leaders and donors. Some point to blogs by different tutor/mentor programs. 

I point to nearly 200 Chicago organizations that offer various forms of tutoring and/or mentoring in this section of the Tutor/Mentor web library.  Unfortunately, I don't see blogs on most of these web sites. In addition, many blogs that do exist are just bulletin boards. They don't show what happens in their programs, or why their programs are needed in the neighborhoods where they are located. Few include students and volunteers as writers. 

I feel every program should host a blog, so when volunteers, donors and media visit your web sites, more will find reasons to support you. However, I also understand how difficult is to keep a blog current. This is a role that volunteers from business, universities and even area high schools, might take to help tutor/mentor programs be more effective.

If you have a blog, send the link to me and I'll add it to my library.

Is there a hashtag that you'd use to help attract attention for tutor/mentor orgs in Chicago

Twitter and Facebook have great potential for building attention and mobilizing resources for youth tutor, mentor and learning orgs. However, unless we agree on a common hashtag, that can be used at key times each year, we'll not generate the visibility and public attention our sector needs. 

During the next two weeks, I encourage you to Tweet ideas to me @tutormentorteam to suggest hashtags that you would be willing to use over and over in August to motivate volunteers and donors to search out tutor/mentor programs to support in September and beyond. You can also email your suggestions, or offer them on Facebook.

Leaders From Every Sector Need to Lead
Don't support just one organization. Help draw resources to ALL programs.

Many companies, celebrities and foundations provide fantastic support to one or two of the different tutor/mentor programs in Chicago. However, few adopt business practices of putting stores in all locations where they find customers, and support all of these so each can be great in attracting and serving those customers.  Since organizations like Tutor/Mentor Institute host databases and web platforms showing up to 200 youth serving organizations in Chicago, any leader can use his visibility, his communications tools and his personality to mobilize volunteers AND donors to support programs in different neighborhoods. Let's recognize those who do this well.

Read: Role of Leaders  ....: Collaboration Goals  .... Recruiting
Talent Volunteers
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Tutor/Mentor Connection

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

Tutor/Mentor Blog

Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, IL  60654

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