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January 2013 Issue No. 115 |
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Instructions for removing yourself from this list are included at the bottom of this email. | |
throughout this newsletter we use a Tiny URL to shorten long web site
addresses so the links do not break. We hope you find this helpful. |
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* National Mentoring
Month - Celebrate Mentoring * Networking and Learning * Planning and Program Improvement * Tutor/Mentor Conference in Chicago, June 7 * President's Message - Theory of Change |
issue 01 |
National Mentoring Month - Celebrate and Support Mentoring Programs |
Here are dates for key events: * Serve your community on MLK Day of Service, January 21, by deciding to become a mentor. * Think about the mentors in your life, post a tribute to them online, then tweet about them using the #NationalMentoringMonth hashtag. * Go to YouTube on Thank Your Mentor Day™ (January 17) and make the National Mentoring Month videos the most popular of the day. * Mentoring Summit in Washington, DC, Jan 24 and 25 I'll be there if any of you want to connect. Tweet me at @tutormentorteam
This is a list of youth serving organizations in the Chicago region, organized by sections of the city and suburbs - http://tinyurl.com/TMI-ChiProgramLinks
Networking and Learning - For Youth, Volunteers, Leaders |
While we're in January and celebrating mentoring, we're in the middle of the school year with almost five months left. What are you doing to engage your youth, volunteers in leaders in learning and planning that assures you have a stronger program in August when you are beginning to start the next school year?
issue 02 | |
Engaging your community in planning an program improvement | |
Year-Round Planning and Process Improvement Strategy. This graphic illustrates the process businesses and non profits need to go through to constantly improve their organizations. Read more at this link.
Learn from others through on-line
networking. Learn about MOOS, virtual learning and network building
* Handling Information overload -
Find extensive library of ideas about Learning, Networking, Process Improvement in Tutor/Mentor Institute Library at http://tinyurl.com/TMI-ProcessImp-Collaboration
issue 03 | ||
Next Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference in Chicago, June 7 | ||
Every six months since May 1994 a Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference has been held in Chicago. The next will be at the Metcalfe Federal Building on June 7. If you'd like to participate as a speaker, workshop presenter and/or sponsor, visit the conference site to learn more. http://www.tutormentorconference.org
The Conference is part of an on-going Leaning and Network Building process. Read some of the blog articles on this topic http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/search/label/learning |
What is your Theory of Change or Logic Model? |
by Daniel F. Bassill |
![]() Image created by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Since we're celebrating Mentoring during January, it's a good time to ask what mentoring programs hope to achieve from the connections they build between young people and adults. In the Philanthropy sector more and more non profits are being asked to offer "theory of change" and/or "logic models" to show what they are doing and what they are accomplishing. I think of mentoring as part of an effort to expand the network of adults who are helping kids in high poverty areas move through school and into jobs and careers. This is a long-term process, taking 12 years to go through public or private school and four to eight additional years of post high school work leading to the beginning of life-long careers. If a youth was born in high poverty it's a much more complex process because needed supports need to be built in the community and sustained for many years. Where you are at age 25 depends on where you were born and what your network is as you grow up, just as much as it depends on what you know as you are beginning your career. Mentoring can help expand your network. How many programs build this into their structure and strategy? How many donors support this with long-term, flexible operating dollars. How can our networking and collective efforts support this strategy? Below are some articles I've written about this. I hope you'll take a look and share them with others. Mentoring Kids to Careers. My Theory of Change. http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/2011/12/creating-service-and-learning.html
How Can you Tell What Kind of Program it is?
I point to more than 200 youth serving organizations in the Chicago Program Links at http://tinyurl.com/TMI-ChiProgramLinks Yet many of these sites do not offer a "Theory of Change" or "Logic Model" on their web site. Most don't point to web sites of other programs that they consider "role models" who they'd like to duplicate. Many non profit leaders may not think in terms of process improvement, but consultants and business managers have these skills.
As you celebrate mentoring and are asked to volunteer, consider ways you can volunteer your talent to help programs better communicate their value and their strategies so their web site does more to share their ideas and attract the support they need to constantly improve.
Thank you to those who sent
financial support over the holidays. Thank you to Serve Illinois and
The Black Star Project for sponsoring the November 2011 Tutor/Mentor
Leadership and Networking Conference. If you'd like to help
visit I'd like to hear from you. Email me at tutormentor2@earthlink.net or join one of the forums I've pointed to.
Best wishes to everyone as you move
through the new year! |
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Thank you for reading this newsletter and sharing it with others. You can add new people to our newsletter list using this link. http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=nlofiegab&p=oi&m=1106096863597
* Support the Tutor/Mentor Institute - This describes the
information platform we're trying to build and ways you can be a
sponsor, partner and/or benefactor -
http://www.tutormentorconference.org/platform_tmi.htm |
![]() Daniel F. Bassill, D.H.L President Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and Tutor/Mentor Connection |
Read the blogs at : http://tutormentor.blogspot.com http://mappingforjustice.blogspot.com
Connect in these locations:
Read past newsletters |