* Celebrate Volunteerism
- National Volunteer Week
* Review Speakers, Workshop Topics - June 7 Tutor/Mentor Conference
* $50 Million in new funding for Chicago anti-violence- what does it
* Do your research. Form a Learning Circle
* President's Message - Connecting Networks
issue 01 |
National Volunteer Week Topic - What
Tutor/Mentor Programs are Available? |
Sean and AJ.
I received a phone call this week from Allen Tyson, who has been a
volunteer tutor in Chicago since the early 1970s. I first met him in
1974 when we both were with the Montgomery Ward program. Allen
wanted to tell me that Sean, who he has worked with for the past 6
years, has been accepted to Iowa University. Two other boys in Sean's
class at the Cabrini Connections program have also been accepted to
college. Here's
a story profiling Sean and AJ, written in 2009.
Image created by
Tutor/Mentor Connection
Every April the nation celebrates the work millions of volunteers do to
help their communities. This year's
National Volunteer Week will be
celebrated from April 21 to April 27. As we head to this
celebration, I want to encourage tutor/mentor programs to share stories
of their student and volunteer milestones on their own blogs and web
sites, and on master lists that enable more people from throughout a
community to find these stories and build their own commitment to
support these programs on an on-going basis.
Collect this information.
As you host Volunteer Week celebrations in your neighborhood, business or
community, can you also form community
research and discussion groups that build a community-wide understanding
of what neighborhoods are most in need of non-school tutor/mentor
programs and why programs need to operate in out-of-school time frames,
not just during the school day? Use the Maps in the Tutor/Mentor Program
Gallery to help you in this analysis.

created by Tutor/Mentor Connection
Build Program Support Advertising
If you collect this type of information
between April and August and share it on one or more web sites you can
also organize communications campaigns starting in August that help
recruit volunteers, youth and donors to support existing programs along
with other community and business partners who will identify gaps in
service where new programs might be needed.
Use these search tools to locate
volunteer-based tutoring and/or mentoring programs in Chicago and other
communities. Reach out and get to know these programs. Compare them
to others in Chicago and around the country. Look for ways to help each
program become a "world class" organization.
* MENTOR resources
and referral service -
ServeIllinois - http://www.serve.illinois.gov/
* VolunteerMatch -
* Additional on-line volunteer search web sites
In the Chicago region, use the Map-Based
Tutor/Mentor Program Locator and Links library to help locate programs
in specific zip codes. Our aim is to help programs grow and thrive in
all parts of the region where they are needed.
* Chicago Program Links -
* Chicago Map-Based Tutor/Mentor Program Locator -
Registration Open: Next Tutor/Mentor Leadership
and Networking Conference in Chicago will be on Friday, June 7, 2013 at
the Metcalfe Federal Building. |

The June 7 conference has an exciting roster of workshops. View the
speaker page to see who we expect to present and what they will be
talking about.
Some of topics to be presented:
* Nonprofit Communicators Workshop: Websites
and Newsletters that Work
* Impacting Academic Achievement by Building Scholastic Long-term
* Building Strong Programs: How to Leverage
Evaluation to Strengthen Program Practices
* Volunteer Recruitment & Screening
* Mentoring Urban Youth
* Building Muscle on your Board -
Recruiting, Retention and Evaluation
* The Two Year Waits: Today's Crisis in Male Mentoring
* Turning Foundation/Corporate Funders into
The full workshop schedule is on this
agenda page
. Registration is now open.
Please spread the word and help build participation. Group rates
and $20 scholarships are available. Just ask.
The Tutor/Mentor Connection (T/MC) was created in 1993, so we're now
entering our 20th year. The first conference was hosted in May 1994.
Following conferences have been held every six months since then. This
has been a grassroots affair made possible by all speakers volunteering
time to share ideas.
See photos from the
November 2012 conference and from
past conferences.
Did you notice that the conference photos invite a company and/or
individual to become a lead sponsor, with their name associated with the
conference? Do you know someone who wants to have this role?
issue 02 |
$50 Million in new corporate funding for
Chicago anti-violence programs |
Image created by
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
What type of programs will give Chicago funders the
result they want:
More youth stay in school, are safe in non-school hours, graduate and
move to college and 21st century jobs.
Chicago corporations are being asked to raise $50 million
to support violence prevention programs. Are they also being asked
to engage talent, technology and jobs to support the operations of these
Read more.
In each issue of this newsletter I've shared information
that non profits, educators, business leaders and policy makers could
use to support the growth of mentor-rich, non-school learning centers in
high poverty neighborhoods. With new attention and new funding,
I've provided a list of links to articles that I encourage planners to
read as they begin to allocate these dollars.
Good to Great Thinking - it takes several years
for a start up organization to grow to be a great organization, with
trust and participation from neighborhood youth, community wide
volunteers, and a network of donors.
Read more.
What indicators would you want to see on a youth
program web site to give you confidence that they are doing work
that should be supported by volunteers, donors and investors?
Read more
What are the steps to starting and sustaining a
mentor-rich youth program?
Read more
What is the planning calendar programs might use
to support year-to-year growth and improvement?
Read more
What are the challenges faced by small and medium size
non profits that need to be overcome?
For instance, this spring Compass Point
and the Non Profit Finance Fund released this report showing challenges
facing non profit sector organizations. Under Developed: A
National Study of Challenges Facing Nonprofit Fundraising -
http://www.compasspoint.org/underdeveloped See more articles
showing challenges facing non profit organizations:http://tinyurl.com/TMILibrary-ChallengesFacingNPO
Who else is doing similar work and how do you
connect and learn from them? While we hope non profits are benchmarking
their work compared to similar organizations, are businesses, hospitals,
philanthropists doing the same?
Read more about benchmarking.
If you are discussing these ideas in a small group,
connect with others by attending workshops at the June or November Tutor/Mentor
Leadership and Networking Conferences or by connecting in on-line forums,
Facebook, Linked in, etc. to share your strategies. If you're not
from Chicago, here is a list of conferences hosted in other parts of the
issue 03 |
Dialog and Deliberation - Engage Your
Community, Co-Workers, Faith Group |
Until more people from beyond poverty are engaging in on-going service
and learning, connecting with youth and families who live in poverty,
and with research and ideas showing potential solutions, too few people will be passionately engaged in building and sustaining
efforts that offer more equal and sustained paths out of poverty in all
the places of Chicago or any other city where this inequality exists.
Image created by
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
The Institute for
Policy and Civic Engagement at UIC is "exploring how
the University can help broaden and deepen the engagement of
Chicago-area residents in public policy and community
issues—particularly at the neighborhood, city, and county levels—through
the use of dialogue and deliberative processes."
Read more.
The Tutor/Mentor Connection has been
interested in on-line learning communities since the early 2000s. During
Jan-March 2013 an
Education Technology and Media MOOC (see http://www.etmooc.org)
connected more than 1600 learners from North America).
Connection library links to more than 2000 organizations and articles
that volunteers,
students, leaders, donors, policy makers, business leaders, etc. from Chicago and other cities
can use to support their own efforts to close the gaps between rich and
poor, improve workforce readiness, reduce inner city violence, etc.
If we can encourage
groups from many sectors to engage in on-going dialog, deliberation,
brainstorming and collective action, we can share ideas that can be applied in any neighborhood where kids
need extra help.
Youth can take
important roles in this process.
This page
shows visualization and video projects done by teens, volunteers and interns working with Tutor/Mentor Connection
in Chicago since 2005. Projects like these could be created by youth
in schools and non-school programs in any city. They could be used to
draw adults together, create shared understanding, and to build strategies that draw needed resources
into neighborhoods that create and sustain constantly improving,
evidence based, tutoring, mentoring and learning programs.
One role youth in Chicago can take is to help collect and
maintain information about area tutor/mentor programs, which is
shared via the
Chicago Tutor/Mentor
Program Locator . Read how youth can be part of this
information collection process.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
message |
networks is our goal. We can do more working for common purpose. |
Daniel F. Bassill |
This graphic shows intermediary organizations
in Chicago and Illinois who focus on the well-being of youth. I want
to help them connect more frequently with each other.

Images created by
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC See this image at
The Pope, Bono, Pallotta and Data.
I wrote a
blog article with this title during Easter week, showing how important
it is to build a database showing the different tutor/mentor
programs in Chicago, and also showing the intermediaries, business,
philanthropic and research groups who are working to improve the
well-being of young people. This map is one that shows
different intermediary organizations I've identified. I'm sure there
are more. Most nodes provide a link to the web site of that
organization, so you can connect from this map to others doing
similar work. If on their site they had a map of their
network, and they included a link back to this map, we'd be
connecting people in our networks to each other.
Every time I host a
Conference I invite representatives of these organizations to
participate and use the conference space to further their own
agendas. The next conference is June 7. If you're reading this I
hope you'll help extend this invitation so more will participate.
Collecting this Information is and
On-Going Process
Some nodes need to be developed. For
instance I have nodes for faith networks, university and business
networks, philanthropy networks, etc. I don't know all of the
organizations in these sectors with programs and strategies designed
to help youth in one or more neighborhoods. Maybe YOU do.
If we can learn who in these
sectors is already mobilizing people and resources to support youth
mentoring, tutoring, arts, technology and other types of non-school
learning in high poverty areas, we can connect these groups to each
other, and to the organizations we do know who are doing this work.
This data collection and mapping
needs ownership in universities and well funded research
organizations so the information can be collected effectively and
updated regularly. However, it also needs a wide range of
champions, in business, religion, media, politics, and individual
youth serving organizations, who find ways every day to point people
in their networks to the information, while helping them also apply
the information in actions that support the growth and on-going
operations of mentor-rich programs serving K-16 youth in every part
of the Chicago region (or your own city).
See articles
related to this topic:
Role of leaders
Information Collection -
Tipping points -
I've built a library with research articles and blogs where
writers show the cost of poverty, the skills gaps, the drop out
crisis, etc. Instead of creating this research myself my goal has
been to find and re-circulate articles written by people with far more skills
and research talent than myself.
Motivating more people to read these articles and become personally
involved in providing resources to support solutions is a
goal that young people and adults from many sectors can adopt and
lead. You can find this library at
Are you already having
this conversation? Where? If you post in spaces I host you can
attract the people in my network to your space. I can do the same. Share
your ideas with me on Twitter @tutormentorteam or on Facebook at
Thank you! You read to the
bottom of the page. If you do this every month you are truly
dedicated. I'd like to hear from you. Email me at
tutormentor2@earthlink.net or join one of the forums I've
pointed to.
luck to everyone as they launch a new school year of tutoring and

Daniel F. Bassill, D.H.L
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
Tutor/Mentor Connection |
Read the blogs at :
Connect in these locations:
* on Twitter
* Linked in group on volunteering -
Tutor/Mentor Institute on Facebook -
* Tutor/Mentor Connection forum at
* On Slide Share -
* On Scribd.com -
* On Pinterest -
Read past newsletters