Use the ideas and resources shared monthly to help youth in your zip code have opportunities to participate in well-organized, mentor-rich, non-school programs.

May - June 2018 - Issue 170
Make this Summer a LEARNING time.
The ideas shared in this monthly newsletter can be used by youth organization leaders, resource providers, political leaders, universities, volunteers and youth to help mentor-rich programs thrive in all of the neighborhoods where they are most needed.
While I try to send this only once a month, I write blog articles weekly. In the sections below I post links to a few of the articles published in the past month or earlier.  I encourage you to spend a little time each week reading these articles and following the links. Use the ideas and presentations in group discussions with other people who are concerned about the same issues.

If you don't save this email, you can always visit the eNews archive and read current and past newsletters. 
If the newsletter does not format correctly in your email, or if you want to return to it for future reading or to share with others, use this link.
Encourage friends, family, co-workers to sign up to receive this newsletter.  Click here.
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The problems we face are not new. The tools for connecting, learning and innovating solutions have changed dramatically over past 25 years.
Use the coming summer months for learning, reflection, connecting with others. 
See the graphic shown above in this article.
I've often used this graphic to visualize the on-going, year-round efforts, needed to build and sustain youth serving organizations that 
a) connect youth and volunteers;
b) maintain connections for multiple years; and
c) seek to expand network of adults helping youth through school and into adult lives
While most tutor, mentor and learning programs that work on a school year calendar are now celebrating the past year with dinners, parties and graduations, leaders in these programs should already be planning for the start of the next school year.  I'm already seeing student and volunteer recruitment messages from some programs, such as Tutoring Chicago.
I created the graphic at the right to visualize the constant innovation that is needed to help sustain the efforts of volunteer based organizations and keep youth and volunteers involved.
In this month's newsletter the following sections will focus on personal learning, by students, volunteers, staff, donors and others, that can support this journey. 
As you look through the links, I invite you to ask this question with me and with people in your networks. What are all the things we need to know, and do, to make mentor-rich youth support systems available in all areas where they are needed?  And, what are all the things we need to know and do to keep those programs in place for many years, so they can help more kids through school and into adult lives.
Connect with me on Twitter, Facebook and/or Linked in, and to draw from ideas I share on the Tutor/Mentor Blog, the Mapping for Justice blog, and the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC web site.
Read the Research and Articles. 
Every day new articles are being published that help you build a deeper understanding of complex problems facing the world. 
In the graphic featured  above I point to a map of Chicago showing demographic concentrations and to a cMap that shows supports kids need as the move from pre school to adult lives and jobs over a period of 20 to 30 years.  This map is part of a blog article where I point to Dr. Robert D. Putnam's book, "Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis". It's just one book you might look at over the summer.

If you just look at one thing from this newsletter, view this article and video, where I show the information I point to in my blog articles, web library, etc.  
Return to the article often if you're looking for specific types of information.


This cMap shows the research section of the Tutor/Mentor web library.  While many focus on education as the reason for youth tutor/mentor programs, I point to many other reasons why well-organized, non-school tutor, mentor and learning programs are needed in high poverty areas.

Here's some articles I point to from this cmap:

* "Thousands of black students leave Chicago for other segregated districts" - click here

* "The Urban School Stigma" - click here

* " Education Can't Solve Poverty-So Why Do We Keep Insisting That It Can?"  click here
* "What are 21st Century Skills that Every Student needs?" - click here  
* "What is the Relationship Gap and Why is it Important?" - click here
* "Bridging vs Bonding Social Capital" - click here
*  How Matters - "To determine the next steps in addressing racism and violence in the U.S., we can look beyond its borders." - click here
*  "Breaking down barriers for underrepresented kids could quadruple America's pool of inventors.' click here
*  "The Movement Action Plan - 8 Stages of Successful Social Movements" - click here
*  Road map to reducing segregation in Chicago region. MPC 2018 report -click here
These are just a few of several hundred links that I point to from each section of the cMap shown above. Take time to click through and see what's available.

Understand the challenges of funding programs consistently over many years, in many places.
Raising kids takes 20 or more years. We need to find more creative ways to build and sustain funding for long-term organizations in more places.
Find this graphic in this blog article

Since forming the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993 the focus has been to educate and influence resource providers so they would be more proactive in seeking out and supporting non profit youth organizations in different parts of Chicago.

This is a video where I talk about how volunteers can help build stronger programs. 
One section of the Tutor/Mentor web library focuses on Fund Raising and Philanthropy. Within that are sub categories with articles showing challenges facing non profits. Here are a few articles you'll find.
* "A Graphic Re-visioning of Nonprofit Overhead' - click here
* "Pay What it Takes Philanthropy" - click here
* "The New Normal: Capacity Building During a Time of Disruption" - click here*
* "Equity and Collective Impact" - click here
* "Chasing the Holy Grail of Outcomes" - click here
* "The State of the Not-for-Profit Sector- 2018 report - click here
Like what you are reading? Share with others. This is a FREE  newsletter. However, contributions are needed to help me continue to make this available. click here 

Learn about resources that support youth and adult learning. Build your own personal learning network. 
If youth learned to be active learners, drawing upon on-line and traditional libraries, schools would be more successful and many world problems might be reduced.
The cMap above describes the learning resources available in the Tutor/Mentor Connection web library. Take a tour of this section of the library with this video.
Some links in this section:
* "To Boost Higher-Order Thinking, Try Curation" - click here
* "Figure This! Math Challenges" - click here
* " innovative ideas for teaching creatively while raising awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals' - click here

Here's a link to the cMap for homework help. Spend some time learning what resources are in each category.  

Use the resources shared in this newsletter to connect and learn with others in Chicago and beyond.
This graphic is from 2015 article showing my connection with educators via the Connected Learning, #clmooc network.
I've written many articles since 2013 showing my connections with the #clmooc network because they are examples of how I hope to connect with people working with youth in non-school programs, or who are working to solve other problems that affect youth and families in high poverty areas.  If you're doing this type of engagement create your own visualizations and blog articles to show your journey.
Additional resources to help Chicago area organizations and supporters connect, learn and work collectively to help build support systems for youth:
* Illinois Conference on Volunteer Administration, Aug. 15, 2018 - click here
* Strengthening Chicago Youth  blog - click here

* To&Through Project website. Find information showing progress of CPS freshmen to and through 4-year college. Find ways to help.  click here

* MENTOR Illinois resources for mentors page -click here
* Chicago City of Learning - click here
* Chicago Organizations in Intermediary Roles - click here

* Tutor/Mentor Blog article showing list of frequently used links - click here
* Strategy Presentations in Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Library - click here
Dan Bassill (that's me) is available to discuss any of these ideas with you, or others, via Skype, Google Hangouts or in person if you're in Chicago.
Tutor/Mentor Connection, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
 Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il 60654 |
What can you do to help? - click here

Click here if you want to help me do this work. 

Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303,  Chicago, IL 60654