Use the ideas and resources shared monthly to help youth in your zip code have opportunities to participate in well-organized, mentor-rich, non-school programs.

February-March 2017 - Issue 155
It Takes A Village to Build and Sustain a Youth Tutoring, Mentoring Program
Don't try to do everything by yourself.
The ideas shared in this monthly newsletter can be used by youth organization leaders, resource providers, political leaders, universities, volunteers and youth to help mentor-rich programs thrive in all of the neighborhoods where they are most needed.
While I try to send this only once a month, I write blog articles weekly. In the sections below I post links to a few of the articles published in the past month.  Spend a little time each week reading the articles and following the links. Use in group discussions with people who are concerned about the same issues.

Create a blog like this sharing your own ideas.
If the newsletter does not format correctly in your email, or if you want to return to it for future reading or to share with others, use this link.
Encourage friends, family, co-workers to sign up to receive this newsletter.  Click here.
(If you subscribe, don't forget to respond to the confirmation email) 
Don't Depend on Good Luck To Bring Resources Needed to Build Youth Programs Where Needed 
Apply the ideas shared in Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC web sites and library. Create your own good luck.  
Helping youth move through school and into adult lives requires on-going effort.  Read article.

In the graphic above I point to four on-going steps that any organization can use to build and sustain high quality non-school tutoring, mentoring and learning programs.

Briefly, these are:
1. Build a library information about existing tutor/mentor programs, where they are needed, what it takes to help them succeed and what individuals, business, faith groups, universities, etc. can do to help.
2. Build communications plan to increase number of people who are looking at the information in the library, and using this information to help you build or sustain a new or existing program.
3. Create learning circles, study clubs, on-line courses, etc.  Help people understand and use the information you're collecting in your library to help local programs grow.
4. Create an on-going call-to-involvement so people who are looking at your information are offering time, talent and dollars to help you build and sustain local programs.   As you increase the number of volunteers involved, and support their on-going learning, you increase the number of people working to help kids overcome challenges of poverty. 

View Concept Map - click here

See this strategy explained in this PDF presentation.

See the graphic included in a blog article. "Changing the Fortune for Youth Living in Poverty?"

See a the strategy explained in presentations created by a student interns. click here

How to get started?
Recruit youth and volunteers to dig through the information on the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC web sites and then create their own presentations to share that information with your network, organizations and/or community.
What Will It Take for Chicago to Get from "here" to "there"? What's the Plan?
Poverty, poorly performing schools, urban violence, etc. are not new problems in Chicago. Only the President of the USA Tweeting about the problem is new..
In the above graphic the image at the right is my "here to there" graphic. It's intended to motivate people to build comprehensive, long-term strategies that make needed youth and family services, including jobs, available in all high poverty areas.  
You can find this graphic in this article  where I talk about building year-round support for youth tutoring, mentoring programs. 
I've been creating concept maps since 2005 to show the commitment leaders in all sectors need to make. A version of the map below could be on a business, faith group, college, celebrity or political web site. See map here .
If you click on the small boxes with each node on the map it will open to a new web page (by clicking box on left) or a new concept map (box at right).  Below is another map, that shows the planning process that can lead to the growth of needed programs in more places. Note the use of maps. Click here to see actual.
Recommended Reading:
* Duplicate support kids have in affluent areas, via non-school programs. read more
*  Birth to work blueprints needed - click here

* Reaching out to universities - click here

* Divided Nation. Rural vs Urban America - click here
   (Note:  on this blog article I'm aggregating links in the comment section to other articles on this topic.  While I live in Chicago, and focus on urban poverty, I feel we need to focus on the issues that are causing serious divisions within America.) 
Nothing happens until someone reads these articles, then invites others to do the same. This is an on-going process, where many can take leadership roles.  
Step #1. Build Your List of Local Programs.
Help existing programs get talent, ideas and dollars needed to become great at connecting youth, volunteers and opportunities, then help new programs grow to fill areas where no programs exist.

To do this you need to build and maintain a list of existing programs.  Once you have a list, use it to bring programs together to learn from each other, while creating advertising that draws a consistent flow of volunteers and donors to programs in every neighborhood, not just to a few high profile programs.

See this graphic in this article

Looking for Chicago Tutor/Mentor Programs?
This concept map points to lists of Chicago area non-school tutor and mentor programs that the Tutor/Mentor Connection/Institute, LLC has been collecting since 1993. It also points to directories being managed by others. Learn to use all available resources to locate programs in different zip codes.



Step #2 - Find ways to connect all who need to be involved in face-to-face and on-line forums.

Over the past 20 years I've created many different graphics to illustrate all who need to be involved in helping reduce poverty and inequality in Chicago and other cities.
I've become passionate about using the Internet as a meeting place because in any meeting with more than a few people, only a few people get to share their ideas, and few ideas are discussed with any depth. Because of people's work/life commitments, few engage regularly in learning about how they can support youth programs in poverty areas.
I hosted Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conferences in Chicago every six months from 1994 to May 2015, so I know how valuable face-to-face meetings can be to energize people and help relationships grow. I just think they need an on-line component so people can connect more frequently, over more years, and with more people and ideas.
In many of my graphics I show the role of intermediaries, or third party individuals and/or organizations who use their own talent and communications tools to draw attention and support to youth serving organizations on a regular, and on-going basis. 
YOU do not need to be part of an existing nonprofit youth organization to take this role.
In fact, it more people in business, religion, social clubs, media, sports, etc. take this role, every youth serving organization will have a better flow of the daily resources they need.  Students can learn to take this role, starting as early as middle school. 

Here's article illustrating role students can take.  


Here are some other resources to look at .
* Learn about annotation - A week of Learning
* Video Annotation using Vialogues:
   a - Annotation of Data Storytelling video - click here
   b - View Tutor/Mentor Video using Vialogues - click here
* Program Design - Supporting Long-term Tutor and Mentor Programs - click here
Additional Resources
* Media Literacy: Five Ways Teachers are Fighting Fake News - read article
* Strengthening Chicago Youth  blog - click here
* Thrive Chicago events calendar - click here

* MENTOR Illinois - current newsletter
* 2017 #OnTheTable, May 16, 2017. click here
* August 2017 Illinois Conference on Volunteer Administration - click here
* Chicago Organizations in Intermediary Roles - click here

* Tutor/Mentor Blog article with frequently used links - click here

Dan Bassill (that's me) is available to discuss any of these ideas with you, or others, via Skype, Google Hangouts or in person if you're in Chicago.
Tutor/Mentor Connection, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
 Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il 60654 |

It only takes a small group of dedicated people to change the world. Thank you to the few people who keep sending contributions to help me  keep this resource available to you and others. 

Thank you to those who responded in December 2016.
Click here
if you want to help. 

Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303,  Chicago, IL 60654