Help Make This Platform for Social Problem
Solving Available in Chicago and other Cities

This graphic illustrates how the web sites of the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC are intended to be a social problem solving platform that can be used by people throughout the world who focus on the challenges poor kids face in moving from birth to jobs and careers over the first 20 to 30 years of their lives.

A social problem solving platform would include:

a) data related to specific issue/problem,
b) ways to draw millions to the platform;
c) ways to engage the people with the data in order to create shared understanding and,
d) ways to point the efforts of the group to places within geographic boundaries where the ideas and action can support constant improvement, or betterment, resolution of the problem.

This map shows the platform I've been trying to build for more than a decade. It shows many areas where others can share ownership and responsibility for building this platform and for encouraging others to use it.

If you have donated to the Tutor/Mentor Connection in the past, please help us build and sustain this portal. Support the work we've been doing since 1993 with continued financial support. Help us find sponsors, investors and partners.

The Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC was create in July 2011 to support the on-going activities of the Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago and to help similar groups grow in other cities.  We have not incorporated as a non-profit so that we can be more flexible in how we attract investors, partners and contributions from people who share our vision and don't contribute time or money as a tax-relief strategy.

Resources supported by your contributions, sponsorship and/or partnership

Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conferences
Tutor/Mentor Program Locator and Map Library
Tutor/Mentor Institute
Tutor/Mentor Connection Library
Monthly eMail Newsletter
Tutor/Mentor Connection Forum and Social Media Network

Contribute NOW
Tutor/Mentor Institute

Mail contributions to
c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303
Chicago, Il. 60654

Use this form to contact Dan Bassill and Tutor/Mentor Institute

Read more about investing in the future.